B Camp 2007
B Camp (12/6-14/06/07).. First time went to B camp as a Dai Dong Zhe, and also being appoint as 2nd IC... Really very enjoyed in this three days.. and I really learnt alot from this Camp.. Where is our Home? Why Do you love your family? Filial?
This camp is specially for those age 13 to 16, still studying in sec.. During the first day, we first went to Tian Hui for briefing.. Rong Sheng and Me are incharge for this group call 和气 (combination of Jie De, Jue De, Wen De, and one more forgot le), and of cos there are still other Dai Dong Zhe.. After, we went to NTU.. Cos this is the place where we will be staying and all the activities will be at NTU..
During this 3 days, our 道学营流程 are 你动了吗?, 寻找自己, 丘前人-一步一脚印,爱它有多少, 其实我也做得到, 点亮心灯照亮家园之夜,元气大做战 and lastly 拼出爱的家庭。。 Some of it, i din join them.. I really feel quite 可惜, that i really unable to accompany them for all those station, and learn from the station.. that is bec during the first 2 days of the camp, other 班员 from other group is either headache, stomache, fever, or injured the hand, i was called by those full comm to assist in them.. I only pressed their 穴位,and only 刮痧 for them, and they are ok by then.. I am very happy to see them feeling better... Of cos we have western Medic, one of the Medic i know is XueLi, she wont advice them to take panadol... thus she will call me for help.. She is expert in treating those injured hand, muscle injuries.. and I learn abit from her too..
And also, I have been sleeping quite late during the camp, bec as a 2nd Ic, I have to go for the IC Meeting after the event of the Day, actually is first Ic going, but bec RongSheng has to take care of Rong Guang, so i volunteer to help him.. as for the 2nd nite, RongSheng and me attended the meeting again.. everyone seems very tired, and i feel that is gd to have the meeting so that we can discuss which place we still can improve, and those Ban Yuan feeling on those stations and games.. In the end, i only sleep for 4 hours plus during the first 2 days...
My niece, Nyssa also going, as Aunt, or 带动者, i really hope that she has learn some few thing, or gd point from this camp, hope that she will treat her parent more 孝顺, 听话, and also dont shout back to them, and also especially her grandparent, who is my Da Yi and Da yi Zhang.. and most important thing is filial to them..
Lastly i really enjoyed myself in the B camp, and also learnt alot from it, learnt what? I have written on my small book, ( which liqing, huanying and wenjun brought for me one), now very tired to type here.. Next time then write something which is very meaningful one in this blog.. Stop here, cos now is already 1.55am.. Still got other event coming, such as 素食会, so will be practicing my songs, rehearsal, and also very excited for the coming C camp next week ( on thur to sat, at NTU too).. Btw, bec of B camp, i have cut my tail.. cos 我知道若我能度过B Camp, but during C Camp i cant.. That is bec Yu Feng Ming TZ has told me since 2 months ago that she hope that she wont be seeing my tail again during june.. Hm.. a bit Pity, but i know that i must set a gd example for my Ban Yuan.. Stop here going sleep le.. Nite...
Below is my Group.. also can go to view at my album...

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