Saturday, December 23, 2006

First 10 days during holiday!!

10 days more to Sch Start... So fast...
Went to mum stall to have breadfast. Watch movie 'Eragon' with Apple after her work..

Play Badminton with my Tcm friends in the morning..Then later went to Jie Grandma house there to bring her to polyclinic. Then later meet up with Apple at Tiong Baru Ya Kun and we had our conversation for an hour plus.. At night, went to BiaoYi wedding dinner with my family..

17/12/06 - 20/12/06
In the morning, bring Jie, Jiefu and dear to Xin Jing Class.. After that, went to malaysia with my family.. But sis din go cos she got work... First day at Batu Baha and we slept at Lee TangZhu hse.. After we had our breadfast the next day, bro drive the car to Genting.. Even though sometimes he dont know how to go to the place, he will stop and ask other ppl for more inform.. After we reached Genting, we had our lunch or so call dinner at the temple there.. The Genting hotel is fully book, so we then have to 下山, lucikly we manage to book a hotel there.. At night we went to the Indoor Theme Park there, but we din play.. Dear brought me a Jacket, and a shoes.. We then go to casino to play jackpot.. And I won 25 RM... Then we went back to the hotel to sleep.. The Next Day, we going back again to the first world hotel there.. This time round, mum let me drive the car.. Hm.. It was my first time, and quite excited.. That is bec the road is quite 弯来弯去,and is fun... When we go up to the genting, bec there is alot of 雾,then sometimes we cant see clearly, so have to drive slowly.. We keep going wrong place, and waste an hour plus there to search for the car park.. It was cold too.. Evening time, bro drove the car again to KL.. We visit Cheng Dian Zhuan Shi hse, then later they bring us to the hotel... The hotel I went before with my poly friends 2 years ago.. And the coffee shop with all Vegetarian stall.. The Next Morning, went to leather factory, the malay dress factory, chocolate factory, some place to take pic, then also went to a temple call Tian Hou Gong and also to KL Tower... At there, we play flying fox, and reverse bunchy (dont know how to spell).. It my first time, quite scare.. cos is about 10 storey high..It was fun.. Later we went to Time Square to play the theme park.. Dear dear accompany me to play those game, in the end vomit.. Call him no need accompany me liao, but he still insist.. Thanks Dear.. Btw, abit 遗憾 that we din play rollercoaster, cos they are repairing.. But the 360 turning one, is very very fun and excited... is really very 刺激。。 Much more better than Escape... After that, we back to singapore...

21/12/06 - 22/12/06
Meet up with my poly friends at Ps there... Chat chat, and in the end, Zi Yang come out with alot of the 欠扁问答题.. Then later we went to Jie House to play Majiong, only left jie, jiefu, apple, justin, dear and me.. The rest of them, Yongsheng, Alan and ZiYang went home after the gathering.. We play till the 6am morning.. After reached home about near 8am, I sleep till 4pm.. Cos is too tired.. In the end din go to play badminton with my Tcm friends...

Stop here, Next time then continue..


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