Happy N Sad Day...
Today he made a sandwich for me again.. I am still so touched.. But this time round, his mother got help him in frying the Ham.. I... Hm.. Really very very appreaciated! Hm.. also quite paiseh, cos his mum also got help in making it.. hm.. XieXie Ni and his mum.. Then we watched Snakes on a plane at Ps.. Quite like the show, cos I got Xia Dao 2 times during the show.. Maybe I like to scare myself ba.. Haha.. Then he accompany again to Tian Hui, My last day of Mo Fan Ban.. Quite happy cos going to end soon... Then he wait for me after my class.. So he accompany me back home again.. While waiting for the bus, He give me minnie...Now my mickey got accompany liao.. Hehe.. Then he asked me when we are at ps, I told him I will tell him after that, so during the way home on the bus, he asked me again, and I agreed.. ["^U^"] I am happy... Then he quite funny, asking how my ex hold my hand, hm.. anyway, we ended up holding hand when walking to my hse.. I know his hand is trembling.. Hehe.. I feel so happy when i reached home...

I then realised my 81515060 has lost, i remember the last thing I do, is sms to Suxing when we are going home in the bus.. I think it has slip off.. Argz.. Abit sad, cos that is my poly friends brought me for my 21st bday present.. I am sorry guys.. I call back, but it no ans..ARGZ..
I know there are thing I gain, and there will be thing I lost. This is my kao yan.. I will need to calm down, I wont angry or what, but only sad sad sad.. Argz.. But anyway, although I am quite sad and sian bec of lost hp, I am still very Kuai Le, cos of him.. Xie Xie Ni.. ANd that is 2 different thing...
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