Touching Story!!
Recently really quite tired, busy... Argz.. abit cant cope with it sia... my hell script haven finish writing, hopefully tml can finish and hand up liao... my mo fan class also going to end soon, still got 2 more lesson to go, and for the final class is on Oct.. Really very happy... Cos after those lesson finish, I will be going to start studying liao... Cos on first of dec till 3rd, I will be going to Malaysia with my mum in our religion trip... So, i really need to plan my timetable liao.. Jiayou ba...
Wanna share a story with all my friends, written by my friend, Wc.. I Like the story very much, cos I have alot of Gan Chu after reading the story... {using unicode to view)
白云和星星是好朋友。。 常常一起晚上出去玩。。。但有一天,星星发现白云没出来玩。。。 他等着等着。。白云都没出现。。 星星看到风, 就问他:“有看到云妹妹吗?”风伯伯说:“我把她吹到遥远的南方去了。。。 我看她不可能会得来啦。”星星静静地。。。 掉了眼泪。。 他想:“我一定要等到云妹妹回来!”一天。。一夜。。一星期。。一月。。一年。。 十年。。 一百年。。 一千年。。星儿等了一千年。。 他知道。。 他的云妹妹永远也不会回来了。。在南方,同样也想着对方的白云正在思念时。。她突然发现。。 在远处的北方,有一颗星星掉下。。 她心里好紧张。。 会不会是她的星哥哥呢?忽然,一阵强风吹来。。 把白云吹了一天一夜。。 吹回了北方。。她呼喊:“星哥哥。。你在哪里啊。。 我回来了!”风伯伯看到她。。 说道:“星儿。。他已经掉落了。。”白云不敢相信自己的耳朵。。 “但他每天都想着你。”风伯伯说。。 白云很伤心。。她哭了。。 那晚,北方的雨细细地下个不停。。 第二天。。 白云也消失了。。 奇妙的事。。 当海水看到海沙时。。他们知道,他们再也不分开了。。
Is so touching rite... Hm.. No matter in family, friendship, BGR, there will be always a leaving day to come...As long as in their heart got both party, that would be enough, even though seldom see each other.. There are some people who I really miss, cos only see them once or twrice a year.. But I know that if anything happening to me, they will be there for me, and if anything that happening on them, i will always be there for them too.. Besides..Hm.. this story also let me think and miss of my dad alot... But i know that he will always be with me in my heart too... Lastly also wanna tell all my friends that, 离别是别无选择,思念是痛苦的。。 我们的(妈妈)以思念我们好久好久,盼望我们快早回到我们的故乡。。 只有到那个时候,我们和我们的(妈妈)才会再也不分开。。。
Thanks Wc for sharing this story with me.. Hm.. Really very very nice...
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