My Sis Wedding..
Recently damm busy with my tuition assignmensts, sis wedding preparation (giving teachers and family relatives invitation card), and also applying for Nanjing Unviersity, and also rehearsal, performance..
Hai.. Very sad, fed up, unhappy recently.. cos friend dont understand me n din 体谅我.. Mummy also blame me of not accompany her to relatives house, sis also blame me on not helping her much.. ARGZ.. Actually everything I have tried my very best to do everything, whatever i can do, i did spent my time and effort and go for it.. but somehow still... really very fed up that time, call and scold my sis, cos mummy keep nagging me, saying that she has been going around relatvies hse every nite, as it rain during the night, she gan mao le.. she said why no children accompany her.. I really have no time, i doing NJ thing, going teachers there, tution, so I really dont have other time to accompany her..
Then fri, my mum also said me again, cos really dont have time, still have alot invitation cards, how.. I realy feel sian half.. actually i have accompany her once, on monday, then after i hear liao, really argue with her.. really fed up.. I cried this few days, cos i feel that whatever i do is wrong.. whatever my effort, or i have tried my best, is useless... Why they cant put themselves in my shoes.. Hai.. in the end, i cancel my 2 tutions, and accompany her...
I called sis, and i scold my sis again for not accompany mummy, but she also very busy with her other marriage thing.. Bec of this, we also quarrel, saying y so last min, so troublesome, trouble alot of ppl and etc.. then she said dont be sister la.. then i hang up the phone.. really quite angry...
I told my mother if marriage is so troublesome, wanna trouble my family, especially her, and also my friends, i rather not marry...
Sat, more worst, me and sis quarrel again at jp infront of my sec friends.. of cos they are used to it.. cos sis blame me for not helping her to decide the ribbon colour for the car, cos i saw the pic that sean send me, i think is not nice, cos golden colour, but i need to wait for sis to see that, then decide.. but everything quite late, by the time sis saw that, she start to blame me le.. she angry, i also angry.. she said wat kind of sis, din wana decide for her.. then i said u r the one marry, not me, i cant help u decide..
This few days really very unhappy le, bec of this, then i said i am not fit to be her sis.. and i mean it.. really very moodless.. really dont wan be her wedding sisters, and also dont wish to go for the dinner... hai.. but in the end our thing solved le..
Yesterday dinner really in the mess, as we din arrange who will be sitting here and there.. Really sorry to those, as we din arrange properly... And thanks to my teachers and friends for coming to my sis wedding..
Happy to see sis marry le, but also really very se bu de...really cry out during the tea ceremony... but mummy din cry.. me so paiseh, cos unable to control my feeling, quite sad, as she is like leaving away from my life...

And also really very sorry to sean, as when i wanna park his new Toyota car (just brought less than a month), i din see the wall at tianguo, so i Buang on the wall, as a result, so scratches here and there, although is quite minor, i know he will feel quite xin tong one.. REally very sorry and paiseh.. is my careless... my fault.. Sis and sean din blame me, but i still feel very sorry to them.. hai..
Anyway finally finished... going to study for exam le.. cos this few months i really dont have the time.. hai... God help me...
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