Tiring Days...
18/02/09 Day 32
weiyao accompanied me to the nokia service center for my 4th times repair for my N85.. nvm, give them one more chance... then went to STUPID TY there to settle those TERMINATION thing.. actually wanna do that last year before i LEFT sg... but the MANAGER said cant... no choice had to wait till now then settle.. and WHAT THE... the staff said they tried to help me APPEAL for the TERMINATION.. but USUALLY WONT SUCCESS.. BUT THEY TRY THEIR BEST.. I had prepared for the worst, I will either close down my bank acc, or ask Jie to help me to take out all the money from my bank..
Anyway, they are cheaters... I know i so stupid to join last year... but really, who knows i will be going to china.. all so last min...if i knew i will be going to china study, will i be so foolish to sign up the TY.. and somemore, i din attend any of the course yet and still deduct my giro for 4 months.. WHAT THE ... Argz...
the whole day just to print out my china studying document.. went to niece house, went to wen house to take my letter, my document.. then went back to the STUPID TY.. just to give them all my document to prove that i not in sg for the past 3 months.. and wanna them to stop deduct money from my bank..
even though the staff asked me to send them through email, or fax to them, and they will help me settle the termination.. BS... i really dont believe in them anymore.. no choice, went around to find those document, then went back to pass to them directly.. if email can settle, i wont be doing all this liao...cos at china during nOV, i had been email to the manager to settle this... but.. see...
more sian half compared to my nokia hp repair.. more tiring.. HATE TY... LIERS, CHEATERS... anyway thanks weiyao for accompanied the whole day..
19/02/09 Day 33
11am woke up, then weiyao fetched me again at around 11.40am.. went to outram there to get my TCM license.. Finally got it.. went to Tiong bahru market to have our breadfast.. met Jie at the TB shopping center until Jiefu came..
accompanied him to do his bike service... sadded.. no Honda sport bike.. only yamaha one... prefer honda bike..
then went to slim lim square there.. to look for music keyboard that can plug to computer.. cos really have the urge to buy, and bring it over to china.. cos china music keyboard damn expensive then in here... finally found it... price about $180..some sell $200 plus... hai.. still need to consider.. if buying will use all my cny anbao money to buy.. see how ba...
anyway thanks weiyao again.. after that, he went home, while i met up with huiwen, shiyun, xiuting, zhengnong, zhengbiao, and yeeting di for dinner at bugis, YUAN XIANG VEGetarian Stall... after had the dinner, they actually planned to watch movie... but no nice show.. in the end, we walked to SIngapore River, merlion there... sat on the staircase and talked talked... how relaxing... to me, they are like my younger slibings, cos Im the oldest among them, they only age 18, 19, 21 plus only..and is nice to meet up with them, chat with them, and know how have they been recently.. especially yeeting Di... (opps...he actually reminded me of something which i haven do before i left sg.. i haven go and visit his mummy.. cos that time Fu tz asked me to go and look for her... ) ..... and we took the last train home..

6 days more to go back Nanjing... hai....
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