20/07/2007 is Wen Sen and JinWen Birthday!! Ting, Sally, Wenlin and Me brought a blackforest cake for the two of them.. and we celebrated in our class after sch.. Then when they make a one min wishes, I quickly grab a small portion of cake and put it in their faces.. haha.. As for Wen Sen, I know I am very 没大没小, shdnt like that, but i know she wont angry of me la.. I treat her like a mum mum, who always care and concern of me.. Cos on tues, she help me zhen jiu, then i paiseh to take off my cloth, then she say, she can be my mother, no need paiseh.. Hehe..
Then went ktv with Ting, Wen and me only.. THen went to Lao Di Fang eat, really very 反胃, cos of the chocolate milk bubble tea.. sign, cant finish my food.. Then went to Cinelesiure to take Da Tou Tie... I really enjoy alot, and very happy to be with them, cos always play with them.. I know i old liao, and they are 2 years younger than me, and i shd be more mature, but then I still seem so childish to play with them.. Haha.. Really very happy..
Wen 21 years old le, hm.. so fast.. know her only when she was in age 19.. I feel that I really old alot liao.. sign..

Yea, also still got a bday gal, who is another wen.. Later in the afternoon going to celebrate for her, with Ting, Wen, Ting's friend Xiao Lan, and maybe others, dont know.. will blog again on mon ba...