Busy meeting up with friends... ["^U^"]
Went to sch in the afternoon.. at night went to Lotus Veg at Quality Hotel, having Steamboat Dinner with my Poly Friends, got Justin, Jie, JieFu, Kor.. Enjoyed the dinner..["^U^"]
Got my bike, Magic 110 RR from the previous owner, then went to Hualing Hse at bukit batok, cos we are having TCM gathering.. then went to Liping hse, got Huijun, Huanying, Jinwen and me...then 5 of us went to Pa Shan, bukit timah hill.. Long time din go there le, the last time is with my Dad.. Suddenly think of him, really miss him alot...["^O^"] At night went Ren Cai TZ class, ride bike there too.. Quite long distance, somemore i still need to Zai my mum too.. keep wobbling, cos still not used to it.. cos the last time got pillon was during 5.01 lesson... but ok la, we both safe back home...
went to housing board to buy season parking.. then went to nearby motorshop.. brought a $75 IU unit from that shop, monday then they will help me put it into my bike.. cos i dont wish to go LTA to settle those thing, since the bike shop can help me settle all, thus willing to buy $75 2nd hand IU unit...
Then reached mum stall to have lunch, then later drive her to near jurong point there to buy tofu, using my bike, cos mum said car petrol more ex... then send her back, and i went home to bath, preparing to go out.. cos we having chalet at costa sand resort...is my sec gathering..
Ride bike there again.. very safe one... always on 3rd or 4th lane... Anyway, very enjoyed the chalet.. Got Cy, waileong, yizhan, yulong, sean, jacey, amy, huijuan, me.. and.. also Miss Wong.. and also boonhaw and his gf eve, but they left early...Extremely happy that my fav teacher can come to our chalet... Me and her chat alot.. happy to know that she is living well.. she so shock that i now riding.. i know she quite concern of my safety... Really hope that she will oneday find her happiness... :) (actually she is my 2nd reason for me to learn TCM, she is the one...) Really happy that sch graduate exam finish... she is one of my motivation to continue my tcm, if not really will give up tat time.. Thanks my idol teacher miss wong, or i shd also say.. so call my "POLY FRIEND"... haha.. she know why..hm.. I also very enjoyed during the Heart Attack game with Miss wong, amy, juan and jacey.. those guys dont wanna play, they watch the lord of the ring..
Thanks juan for organise the chalet, thanks everyone who come for the chalet, and thanks cy for putting FF8 in my psp.. ["^U^"] finally can play my long ago fav game..
slept for less than 2 hrs in the chalet, then woke up prepared to go to Tian Guo, cos got my ren cai class.. amy worried for my safety, cos scare i not enough Jing Shen.. but ok, reach Tian guo in 15 min time... Very enjoyed in riding...
Really a bit sian half, cos my 5 min dao yi was quite bad... i know i din perform well, cos my topic is EAR, really cant think of wat to say on the stage.. really got stage fright ba.. After class, ride bike home again..
At night went to see my grandpa who is in hospital.. yea he is quite ok now.. tml can go home le.. ["^U^"] just feel that he look older and older.. hai...
Miss wong msg me at around 7pm plus, she thought we are stil BBQ, but i told her now i am at home..then told her that i only slept for 2 hrs, but no accident when going to sengkang.. she then replied saying that oh, ok, thanks god.. u take care, remember not to ride ur bike. n tmr bring it in to fix e brake... dun take risk...
Actually i did tell her my brake, the one using right foot one, got some problem.. so she really very scare if i got accident.. haha.. but will listen to her, will fix it next week one... ["^U^"] I WILL RIDE SAFETLY ONE.. DONT WORRY.. ["^U^"]
Really Enjoy riding my bike.. so fun...

Next week going to work hard on study le, and also do part time job.. jiayou en..