Contact me @ +8613851774174
Hi friends, if you wanna contact me, can msg me or call me this china no. +861381774174, or call my sg no.... take care... friends...
Hi friends, if you wanna contact me, can msg me or call me this china no. +861381774174, or call my sg no.... take care... friends...
:'( My Hp stolen again.. at DA Yang Shopping center... REally very sad sad.. cry le.. ARGZ... my hp was in my jacket pocket, left side, infront of me one.. when i was buying Icecream, i open the zip, and took out my small wallet to pay the icecream, i know the hp still inside, and there is weight one, so i know.. but when me and ting go to buy bread for tml breadfast, bec i need to choose which bread, and also help ting take the bread she want, when i as going to pay at the cashier, i suddenly feel that the weight is lighter, suddenly in my mind is .. HP.. i quickly check my pocket, the zip is open, i couldnt find my hp... at the first thought, i know it lost, the ppl stole, cos the place was crowed, but i cant remember how they steal.. but there is alot of thief in nanjing, they are pro...
I really feel so unhappy.. just bec of wat you said, I waited for you.. I can sleep early, but i still so eager to chat with you.. but.. even if u cant online, at least tell me, but in the end, i msg u.. i really very moodless.. argz.. forget it.. :(
Wanna thanks my family (Mummy, MeiMei, MeiFu n Di...My Yi Po, Da Yi, Dayi Zhang, Xiao Qing Jie Jie, Nyssa, Er Jiu, Er Jiu Mu, Peilin, Er Yi, Er Yi Zhang, Kang Kang, ChengCheng, Si Yi, Wu Yi and Future Wu Yi Zhang), my other friends (Ah Tiam Uncle, MiaoShi and her parent, Chao Tian Uncle), my sec friends (Juan, Amy, Sherry, Richie, Boonhaw, Steven, Chenyou), my poly friends (Justin, Apple, Jie, king, Jeehoe, Alan, Kor), my tcm friends (Lianshi, Wenshen, Liqing, Huanying, Yuxian, Joyce, XiaoZhi, ZhengTao, ShunCang, Nanhui, Daniel), and also my fav Teacher Miss Wong... Thanks for the gathering.. I have enjoyed, and very touched.. very happy... :)
今天终于结束了,这场仗打得很辛苦。。 第一天的仗,派了一百五十的兵士们去仗场打仗,只有六十八个兵士们会来,有十多个兵士们当场放弃。。但这场仗是要有九十个兵士们会来才算是大赢。。 其他的兵士们,生死未卜。。